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Creating an account on Bitget is a simple and straightforward process.
Here we provide you with a detailed step-by-step guide to ease the process:
Access the Website:
Open your web browser and access the Bitget registration page using our affiliate link: .
Registration Page:
Once on the page, you'll find an option to register at the top right corner. Click on "Sign Up" to initiate the registration process.
Enter Information:
You'll be prompted to provide an email address and a password. Ensure that the password is strong and unique to ensure the security of your account.
You can also choose to register with your mobile number.
Email or Mobile Phone Verification:
If you registered with an email address, check your email and click on the verification link sent by Bitget.
If you registered with a mobile number, enter the verification code you'll receive on your mobile phone.
Set Up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):
For security reasons, it is recommended to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) on your account. You can do this from the security section in your account settings.
Identity Verification (KYC):
To access all features and trading limits, you'll need to complete the identity verification (KYC) process by providing some documents and personal information.
Explore the Platform:
Once you have created and verified your account, you are now ready to explore the Bitget platform. You can browse through different markets, view available assets, and familiarize yourself with the user interface.
Deposit Funds:
To start trading, you'll need to deposit funds into your Bitget account. Go to the deposit section, select the cryptocurrency you wish to deposit, and follow the instructions to complete the deposit.
Start Trading:
With funds in your account, you can now start trading on Bitget. You can also explore and use our advanced trading indicators from SMART TRADING INDICATORS to enhance your trading experience.
By following these steps, you'll be able to efficiently create an account on Bitget and start exploring the wide range of services and tools the platform offers. At every stage, ensure to maintain your account security by using safe practices such as two-factor authentication and a strong, unique password.